I know you’re all eagerly anticipating the next entry in the Rise of Cithria series (Book 5 – The Exodus). So are we (we’re looking at you, Patrick). So during this little downtime period, Alistair and I have written a couple short story/novella entries set in the world of Cithria to tide everyone over. The first of these, a prequel adventure starring your favorite nuathreen trackers, Bruce and Gil, is… Read more →
Author: kriskramer

The Fall of Tavak Now Available!
For those of you who asked (I think it was one guy) the latest book in the Tales of the Lore Valley series – The Fall of Tavak – is now available on amazon.com. Fans of the series should be happy to know that I’ve already started working on books 7, 8 and 9 (I write three of these at… Read more →
Basketball and Science Fiction
So, in between my mad rushes to finish the dozen or so books I’m currently in the middle of writing, I’ve decided to include some extra-curricular writing to the mix. Starting pretty soon I’ll be contributing to the science fiction website Save Sci Fi as an official contributor. I’m not sure when my first article will go up, but I’ll put a… Read more →

The Fall of Tavak
It’s about that time… time for a NEW LORE VALLEY BOOK! That’s right, book 6 of my Pulp Fantasy series Tales of the Lore Valley – The Fall of Tavak, is very nearly upon us. I’ve finished the main draft, and it’s going through some final edits as we speak, in preparation for online release. I don’t know exactly when… Read more →
Free Books Reminder
Just a reminder that I have some FREE BOOKS! That’s right, if you make use of Amazon’s Kindle eReader, you can download three FREE BOOKS from Amazon RIGHT THIS VERY SECOND! Want more info? Read the post below… Free Books! I usually get a pretty decent number of downloads for these FREE BOOKS but I feel the need to remind… Read more →

Batman v Superman Review
In short, I liked it. It wasn’t great. I’m not fawning all over it like some of the fanboys out there. But it also wasn’t as terrible as some critics will have you believe. It was good. Maybe a little better than okay. That’s about it. There’s a pantheon of great comic book movies – The Winter Soldier, Spider-Man 2, The… Read more →
Author Interviews
Every once in a while I’ll do a book promotion through promo website, and included in that promotion is an author interview. I think I’ve done about a dozen or so of these by now, and they all tend to follow the same pattern. They’re a little bit impersonal and canned, with pre-listed questions that rarely get into any detail… Read more →

Do People Still Smoke?
A few years ago I took a 10 day trip to Europe with my daughter. It was my first real vacation in probably a decade, so I went all out with it, or at least as all out as I could afford at the time. Ten days spread out over stops in Rome, Florence, Milan, and finishing up in Zurich,… Read more →

Coming Soon – Feb 2016 Edition
I had a different blog post planned for today, the first in a series of epic rants about how people are dumb and how they don’t have to be. But that post isn’t quite ready for publication just yet. So while I tweak and massage my rage-filled meltdown essay, I’m going to cheat this afternoon and put out a nice,… Read more →

Comic Camaraderie Redux
Some of you may have noticed (maybe not some. Maybe a few… or just me) that we weren’t at the Sci-Fi Expo this past weekend. We made that decision a while back, due to Patrick’s baby being due right around that time. Little did we know she’d be born a month early and we probably could have made the show,… Read more →